Track Your Expenses : Popular Apps

Welcome to Adulthood!!!

The adulthood that we all always looked forward to, is finally here. Of the many responsibilities it comes with, managing your own money is only one. But it is crucial too.

The first step towards managing your money is to track your expenses. To help you keep a tab on your spending, prevent overspending and live within your budget is a task in itself.  Thankfully in the modern era we have a number of convenience apps to our rescue.

Here is our pick 5 popular apps you can use to track your expenses.

The Millennial Friendly: Wally

It is an Apple and Android friendly app with a quirky interface that you will love. You can choose to take pictures of receipts or enter your spend manually and categorize them. It can also track your income and project your savings and share insights.

The ease of use and a social feature for shared expenses, makes it the best choice for millennials and side hustlers. It’s free too.

The Travellers Pocketbook: Expensify

Whether you travel for fun or business, this Apple and Android compatible app is your friend. The free app allows you to click your receipts and upload and also manually log expenses. The app is meant to automatically convert receipts and convert them to logs.

The best part about this app is that it can be used at a nominal price for teams as well. It can be used to generate real time expense reports, manage reimbursements approval hierarchies, integration of travel, corporate cards and taxes too.

The Personal Finance Manager: Mint

The free user friendly personal finance app carries the trust and brand name of its promoter Intuit, a well known name in the financial software domain. The app is loaded with features for money management, payment of bills, credit management supported by many banks and lenders. It is also integrated with multi- factor authentication to protect the users against data theft.

The Digital Envelope: Mvelopes

Mvelopes with its parent company Finicity is out to digitise the traditional budgeting practice of maintaining separate pockets or envelopes for each expense item. What makes Mvelope different from other budgeting apps is, it’s proactive programming. It not only tracks but also keeps you from going overboard with your expenses by sharing forecasts and suggesting spending approaches. The app is available on iOS and Android.

Your Bank Accounts in your Pocket: Pocket Expense

Produced by Polycents, Pocket Expense gives you the freedom from the hassle of managing multiple bank accounts. It brings all your accounts in one place which can be tracked for expenses and balance availability with the safety of password protected access. The app also allows you to create budgets for different expense categories and manage them. Bill payments and management are additional convenience features.

Most expense tracker apps can be accessed over the web and as mobile phone applications to track and manage a wide range of transactions, both incoming and outgoing. The apps share and help develop insights on spending patterns and an understanding of where to cut back. Different apps are suited for different purposes, you will need to assess your requirement and choose yours wisely.

When you set out to choose your app, you will come across both free and paid versions. While most of the features for personal finance may be available on free app versions, advanced or business related features will require a nominal fee to go premium.

Follow a cost-benefit analysis before you spend on a paid version.

Choose the app that suits your needs and lay your first steps to a financially disciplined life